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  • Modelo de EnsinoSeta's training model:
    Recognized inside
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  • 15 anosSince 2004
    training professionals
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  • The SETA team is fantastic, with a unique attitude, professionalism and dedication. We are very happy with this partnership that is super healthy, brings us benefits, new friends, many projects and results.

    Rodrigo Challis BleinrothMaster Black Belt | VIVO Lean 6 Sigma Program
  • The SETA training brought extremely relevant learning to our careers through light classes, where learning flowed easily due to its exceptional conduction.The instructor kept us motivated, always answering our questions in the best possible way, and always with great respect for each of us.

    Thiago SuzartSupervisor de Produção | Nestlé
  • It exceeded my expectations, regarding the content and also the realization of virtual, dynamic and interactive sessions with a lot of exchange. The idea of the pre-work videos was magnificent. Very high level!

    Adriano MelchertCluster Quality Manager - SKF Group