Monitoring of the participants’ behavior change (BCP)

Objective: Through periodic surveys with those who are part of the employee ecosystem, we are able to measure the behavior change results (of the group and individually) once the program starts. We also evaluate the evolution of the behavioral indicators over the transformation and development journey—what we call BCP (Behavior Change Percentage).

1.) Assessment application, focused on competences of the organizational context (BCP - Behavior Change Percentage)
Created in partnership with the HR/OD team, its objective is to map the “soft skill” competences that the participants must develop. The form that must be filled by each individual is created and sent to the employees. The methodology is based on the behavior frequency scale, not on its quality.

2.) Result consolidation, individual priority determination, and grouping scenarios
A consolidated report is generated for the program’s management team, exhibiting the scales with the answers, the opportunity mapping, and possible work group scenarios for several fronts. Then, this report is validated, and the information can be used to design the group work plan.

3.) Definition of 1 GAP so all can work as a group
Groups are created at each cycle, according to the necessity mapping. When the cycle changes, the group can be changed. What determines the group composition is the opportunity presented during the initial assessment.

4.) Development Actions (soft skills)
During the development cycle, SETA’s facilitator will employ several techniques and resources to develop the challenge that was determined: Group/Peer Consulting, Coaching Basics (ICI), Knowledge Pills (LIVE/US Digital Platform), Reverse Mentorship, Cross-Meetings, Train-the-Trainers, Experimentation, and Action Learning. Additionally, each participant will have his own action/task/experiment list that must be executed during that period.

5.) Meetings with all groups for experience sharing
A meeting with all groups to exchange experiences and what they learned during the cycle, and definition/perspectives for the new cycle

6.) Checkpoint: the application of a new assessment, both individual and collective (BCP - Behavior Change Percentage), focused on the competence worked over the journey
We do a survey focused on the competence/behavior worked during the cycle, both for self-reflection and for people indicated by the employees involved in the program (ecosystem). That way, we can measure individual evolutions and hold the recommendations for the maintenance of new habits. We employ a reference between 50–60 cycle days based on studies that say how much time it takes to consolidate new habits.

In addition to the individual report/feedback, the consolidated report is generated for the HR/OD department, so it can monitor the group’s evolution as a whole.

Where does it take place:
Suzano, Plaenge, Dafiti, Baker Hughes, etc.