Ambidextrous Management Implementation

How to train Leaders capable of getting the best out of their current business and, at the same time, of getting the best out of the changes that are happening, increasing the Organization’s competitiveness?
Executor Leader vs Agile Leader
Executor Leaders have the ability of implementing changes that actually brings results through other people. They benefit from an analytic / logic (Complicated World) approach, maintaining the competitiveness and getting the best out of the current Business model.

On the other hand, Agile Leaders can inspire people to adapt to constant changes caused by a B.A.N.I. (“Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, Incomprehensible”) world towards an inspiring purpose. They benefit from an empirical / creative (Complex World) approach and search for new opportunities and innovations that can increase the Business’ competitiveness.
Yes, both leadership styles will coexist in the Organizations during the next years. One of them will strengthen the current Business and the other will be searching for competitive advantage in the constant and unavoidable changes that happen in the Business environment. This is the ambidextrous Organization concept, created by Michael Tushman and Charles O’Reilly.
The Agile Leadership complement the abilities and competences of the Executor Leaders.

An ambidextrous company can work to maintain its current performance (“exploitation”) as it overcomes the organizational inertia, molding a new future (exploration).

That is a viable way for the future ahead, when we will need to keep our winning business, responsible for the organization’s income over the years; nevertheless, it has to become more flexible and agile to quickly answer to the changes generated by new technology of connectivity, communication, and information.

The organizations are reviewing their current training and development models to train leaders that can acquire the new behaviors that are so important right now.
Performance evaluation processes are being reviewed to increase the current Leadership’s awareness level and generate the necessary behavior change.

SETA has been helping several organizations to get the best of both worlds, combining, for example, the strategies of traditional Operational Excellence and Management with the “Agile” Values and Principles.