Mentor Preparation (Focus on soft skills)

A first meeting of up to 2h is held to align the program’s understanding needs. This meeting discusses themes such as:

• How does mentoring work and what are its benefits?
• What are its advantages?
• The role each one plays (mentor x mentee)
• The profile of the professional that plays the mentor role
• Tips and traps
• How to take the most of the mentorship process
• Work method suggested

After the first stage, the participants are divided into groups of up to 5 people and attend from 3 to 5 monthly/biweekly sessions/meetings of up to 2h. Each meeting works behavioral content pills (expository mini-lessons) related to the development needs of each mentor group. Video-lessons will be available as well to the group at SETA’s distance education platform, with no additional cost to the client.

The number of sessions can be adjusted according to the needs of each client.