People and Leader Development Programs

Objective: We analyze the individuals’ development goals and what are the expected behavior changes. Then, we elaborate several development ACTIONS called learning “vehicles.” We meet the development requirement for several levels of the organization (Individual Contributors, Emerging Leaders, and Experienced Leaders).

We believe learning should be elaborated taking the specificity of each public into account regarding the “gaps” seen in the fulfillment of each function.

For that end, we believe learning should not be painful. We would like to offer your employees a delightful, didactic experience, with active learning and contextualized according to the company’s challenges.

Instead of focusing on development training and actions, we think we firstly must understand what are the desired behaviors (MISSION), and how they are going to be measured (IMPACT), not only through KPIs, but also through methods of behavioral change continuous measurement (BCPs – Behavior Change Percentage).

With this definition, the OD/HR (Organizational development) department will help us elaborate development ACTIONS (which we call “vehicles”), which include: trainings, projects, turnover, mentorship, coaching, moments in result meetings, actions in routine meetings, e-learning, games…

In other words, we focus not only on solutions, technologies, etc., but on specific development goals and on the expected behavior change. On top of that, the OD department starts to think outside the box, because not everything necessarily needs to be “solved” with courses—but through actions in which people take part and, most importantly, observe the expected behaviors.

Seta creates the learning tracks, develops trainings, and monitors the projects developed by the participants, helping in their evaluation, identifying performance gaps, and developing personal enhancement plans.

Where does it take place:
Plaenge, MRS Logística,  GE, Energisa, Suzano, Vale, Grupo Elfa, Ingredion, Chubb, Dafiti, Nadir Figueiredo, RB Capital, etc.