Seta associates have been engaged in Improvement projects in the financial area for a long time, adapting Lean Manufacturing initiatives to the transaction environment of banks – Lean Office. Valdir Meneses, one of Seta’s associates, was at the helm of Itaú’s IT Governance area for many years, participating in many of the bank’s process improvement initiatives since 2007. Seta has worked with Itaú Bank since 2007, supporting the bank’s main Process Improvement strategies with its associates and consultants, not only in Brazil, but also at its facilities in other countries, including Chile, USA and Switzerland. A training program with Leadership skills for Kaizen Leaders was structured for Itaú bank and over 200 people have already undergone this preparation. These people are heading up dozens of Kaizens developed at the Organization. Another example of a project at a financial institution was VW Bank. Seta’s associates and consultants facilitated Kaizens in the finance, legal and IT departments, training the team and preparing facilitators to conduct future Kaizens. The Kaizen model was fully adapted to the client’s reality (financial service company) and availability of team members. The results achieved over the course of the week were recorded and presented to the VP of Operations (COO) for the impacted areas. The benefits that couldn’t be registered during the Kaizen event were for an Action Plan that started being monitored by the company’s Process Office.
DEKRA (AUTOMOTIVE) – Kaizen Events in the Finance and Commercial Areas​
Conducting Kaizens in the client’s finance, operations and commercial areas, always conducting the training and Kaizens with care to pass “expertise” in facilitation and conducting events on to the client. All results achieved over the course of the Kaizen are captured and presented to the area management, and 30-day action plans are established for capturing additional benefits that couldn’t be registered during the event.

Carlson Wagonlit Travel (TOURISM)
Conducting Kaizens in the operations area, focused on reducing financial losses in its main operational processes. SETA adopted a “hands on” model in which the instructor navigates through theory and applies it to the selected process in conjunction with the Kaizen team. An action plan was prepared and validated for deployment within 30 and 60 days (K30 and K60 Actions).

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HOSPITAL) – Lean in Hospital Environment
Preparation of Kaizen Leaders at the organization, primarily aiming to conduct small improvement projects in the assistance and customer service area. Examples and exercises adapted to the hospital environment.
Preparation of Kaizen Leaders in the organization, primarily aiming to conduct small improvement projects to improve Quality indicators (Anatel). Seta consultants also followed up on the improvement projects.
Preparation of an annual schedule of Kaizens, training facilitators and project follow-up. A Seta Consultant trained 15 Kaizen Leaders to conduct short-term improvement projects - Kaizens - in all industrial and administrative areas. Nearly 100 Kaizens have been conducted over the course of 2 years by Romi’s facilitators, aided by the Seta consultant. The financial results were captured and reported to the company’s CEO and Board of Directors.
Support to the IT area for workflow development for Kaizen Governance, as well as to capture financial benefits and report to senior management.
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