
How is your mental health these days?

16/05/2022 by Arlete Amoroso

On April 7, we celebrate World Health Day, the date that marks the foundation of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The world faces the task of maintaining people's health, especially addressing the issues of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the scientific released by the WHO on 03/02/22, in the first year of the pandemic, global rates of anxiety and depression increased by 25%.

However, we know that this information is just the tip of the iceberg. We live in the BANI era (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, Incomprehensible): this is the way we currently see the world.

Living in a BANI world is living in constant stress, which can affect our physical and mental health. Uncertainty about the future, not knowing how to deal with challenges, lack of psychological safety environment, financial problems. The list of what can cause stress can be extensive.

Where to start?

1) Awareness - notice the signs your body is giving you: lack of focus, extreme tiredness, irritation, apathy, body aches. This is a warning that something might be wrong. Notice your thoughts: are they mostly optimistic or pessimistic?

2) Decide – take the first step on a journey in search of a different way of interpreting the events that happen in your life. Without the decision to build a new mindset, nothing will change. What will be the short, medium and long term benefits that will make this journey worthwhile?

3) Prepare – pursue the necessary knowledge that will assist in this change. It's like preparing your suitcase for a trip: what can't be missing?

4) Practice – put knowledge into practice and be prepared to make mistakes and learn from those them. Your brain will try to protect you from pain and keep you in old habits.Consciously insist! Neuroplasticity has already proven that we can learn new things, change our habits. Be sure to practice mainly the things that makes you feel good: time breaks, family, friends, movies and popcorn, travel.

5) Supportive relationships – this is no ordinary journey; It's your journey to improve your mental health! Have a support network that will be with you throughout this journey. Friends, co-workers, family, psychiatrist, psychologists, whatever it takes. No doubt they will make all the difference to your success.

We have the choice to leave things as they are, or we can change course. This is a personal decision for each one and, while it is liberating, it brings us immense responsibility.

We cannot afford to blame the war, the pandemic, politics and fail to focus on what is really in our hands: our actions that will build our future and the future of the next generations.

This is one of the reasons that make me get up every morning and develop my work with the amazing SETA’s team. Learning and bringing knowledge to our customers positively impacts their and our mental health. It is a great support network and the legacy we are leaving in this BANI world.

My invitation is that you decide for your mental health, for your life! It is a long journey of self-discovery with ups and downs, but you can be sure that the “view” is breathtaking!
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AUTHOR: Arlete Amoroso Senior Consultant
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