
Why to study the course? 
To train the best of you regarding skills and attitudes as a facilitator or trainer. A new way of thinking about the behavior of a facilitator before an audience that is there not only as a carrier, but also a builder of knowledge.

Target Public: The course is focused on all professionals who facilitate training sessions, workshops, meetings, and other group activities

Program Content
- How to develop content and activities
- How to engage the participants through interaction and questions
- How to use the language clearly and concisely
- Learning pyramid and andragogy principles
- Focus on the audience
- TTT (Test-Train-Test) and PPP (Present-Practice-Produce) Methodologies
- Designing learning activities and reference materials for the participants
- Levels of intervention in a classroom
- Tips on clear and concise language
- The power of good stories
- The importance of “presence” in the facilitation: tips and practices about posture, voice, gestures, movements and visual contact
- Use of neuroscience concepts to better understand the learning and participants’ reaction

Pre-Work: Prepare one 5-10 minute presentation for use in the course (20 minutes)

Maximum number of participants: 12 people