
Basic Structure:

- Contextualize the DFSS methodology: why it was created, applications, benefits, comparison to DMAIC
- Differences between DMAIC vs DMADV
- When to use DMADV?
- Relation between DMADV and PMI
- Design Thinking: concepts and applications
- User’s view: understand his experience to create new ideas
- Relating DFSS and Design Thinking
- How to identify a DFSS projects
- Defining the Project scope
- Risk Management Plan
- Multigenerational Plan (PM’s)
- Project Schedule / Gantt Diagram
- Project Contract
- Identify the customers and their needs (VOC – ‘Voice of Customer’) & VOB (“Voice of Business”)
- Empathy: the human side of Lean Design
- Practical Exercise: Identifying the “Personas”
- Creating the questionnaire to interview the “personas”
- Prioritize the needs – Affinity Matrix and Kano model
- Translate the needs into Project Requirements (CTQ)
- Prioritize CTQ’s - Quality Functional Deployment (QFD)
- Attachment: Customer’s data collection plan: researches, interviews, Focus Group
- Creation of insights from observations about “personas”
- Priority of insights
- Creation of ideas to meet the insights: leading Brainstorming sessions (presentation of several Brainstorming techniques)
- Develop Design Concepts – developing the User Journey: Priority of the best ideas to be prototyped and tested
- Assess and choose the best concept - Minimum Value Product  - MVP / Minimum Valuable Service – MVS
- Develop High Level Design
- Finding Optimized Solutions – Monte Carlo Simulation
- Analyzing Risks (FMEA)
- Pilot Planning / Prototype / Observation Sheet / Inclusion of UsersVERIFY
- Lead the Pilot / Prototype
- Learning session: persist, pivot, persist
- Implement the New Design / Hand it to the Process Owner
- Control Plan
- Poka-yoke
- Closing Exercise – Development of a new product – a wallet

Workload: 32 hours

Pre-Work: Prepare topics to be worked in the class